In Ternopil attic of the building, rescuers removed the nest of hornets about

September 22 16:35 lifeguards rescue special unit came to the village on call Pete Ternopil region. There in the attic of one of the houses of suburban cooperative hornets settled. Move out with her new « apartments » neprohor guests obviously did not intend. So the men took up the cause Rescue. In spetskostyumah protection and using special equipment DSNS fighters seized nest, took him outside the city and released a swarm of hornets in the environment. First aid for bites of bees, wasps and hornets: Primarily Try to remove the poison from the wound,then stung cool place, attach a lotion with a solution of salt or baking soda (for dessert spoon cup of water). Around the wound can cause hormonal antihistamine ointment or gel. Take an antihistamine agent, and calcium gluconate (one tablet four times a day). If bitten develops facial tissue edema, bronchospasm, Mr.ryskoryuyetsya heartbeat, there are seizures, pain, joints, heart, should immediately call « ambulance & raquo ;.
