Chernivtsi: Problem? Accident? Questions to local authorities? - Call

15-80 or 588-888 Mayor Alex presented Kaspruk Municipal Contact Centre, which works around the clock future in Chernivtsi. The purpose of the Contact Center - to ensure prompt response to all appeals Chernivtsi city services, utilities and officialsant. Operators center around the clock are connected to Chernivtsi numbers 15-80 (for fixed phones) and 588-888 (all telephone operators). These numbers Contact center accepts addresses the following issues: * Outages and emergency situations * All matters of housing and communal services and improvement (gas facilities, other utilities, elevators, exterior lighting, waste collection, maintenance services local area) * Health Care * Education * Social Security * Public transport. Municipal Contact Centre also conducts desk psychological counseling and information citizens needuyut such assistance. All appeals Chernivtsi the Contact Centre are recorded in an electronic database, calls are recorded. Contact Center Operator receives an application (appeal), sends it to perform the appropriate service or municipal enterprise, monitors the status of its implementation and must inform the applicant in the performance of its appeal. If necessary,and the operator providing forwarding (sending) of the applicant to other professionals and services, organizations and institutions that are competent in this problem more efficiently and can satisfy the request. The operator controls the person that such contact took place and he was promptly received a reply. The program, which combines municipal contact center with mustacheIma control department of the city and allows you to track online the status of implementation of downloads Chernivtsi, has developed a local company Lanheyt. The program allows Mayor in online mode to control the work of all municipal services on the implementation Chernivtsi appeals that received by the contact center. Call Municipal centhe also works with the e-appeals "Open City", which has won the trust of Chernivtsi. Monitoring of complaints submitted to the call-center, carried out daily, its data are analyzed and the results of this analysis, management decisions are taken to prevent accidents in urban householdsand. "Creating Municipal contact center - is one of the steps Chernivtsi to provide quality services. He is one of the components of an effective system of governance. The contact center will improve continuously. This modern system will significantly improve communication with residents and will power more quickly in Chernivtsiyrishuvaty problematic issues ", - said Mayor Alex Kaspruk. He called Chernivtsi actively use the services of Contact Center, make suggestions and comments on the organization of its work. Please contact Municipal Contact Centre by calling 15-80 (for fixed phones) and (0372) 588-888 (all telephone operators). This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
