In Berdichev Zhytomyr region police detained the robbers who encroached on the barbecue ...
law enforcement officers learned about the robbery of a local resident, found intruders near the scene. Guys just regaled meat that was stolen in their bag. At night, September 20 to Berdichev police turned GorotdelI am 48-year-old resident of the district center with a statement of robbery. According to the man, two boys asked him cigarettes, and before he could treat them like boys picked up his bag and fled. Events and signs of the attackers was reported near a police patrol, who worked nearby. For some time the police patrol noticed on the riverand boys who for a description of the applicant were similar to his abusers. Guys just regaled with roasted meat, which, as it turned out, was in the stolen bag. Both boys and the stolen items were taken to the police Gorotdel police. Detainees were two local vocational school students aged 16 and 17 years, residents of the area. They confessed to the crime. Applicantrecognized their abusers. Investigators launched a criminal investigation proceedings ch. 2, Art. 186 (robbery). By following legislation provides 4 to 6 years of imprisonment. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine in Zhytomyr regionSource: