In Chernihiv region rescuers had preventive employment among faculty and staff of the research institute of Economics
February 24 Employees of DSNS in Chernihiv Oblast prevention classes conducted among faculty and staff of the research institute of the National Economics University of Technology. Ryatuvalnyky familiarized participants with the basic safety requirements in case of emergency situation, natural and military nature. In turn pyrotechnics rescue detachment of special purpose described in detail and demonstrated the explosive devices, as well as basic measures proved safe behavior incase of those similar to them or suspicious objects. During the event was brought to a focus on the conduct of the teaching staff of the relevant explanatory work among students. In addition, experts have provided DSNS themed cards on civil protection for their further placement on the notice boardseducational institution and answered questions about the availability of protective structures and actions for alerts. In conclusion, participants watched a video theme. Director of the Institute Helena Gaunt thanked organized the event and said that thanks to a joint work increases the level of training for action in the event of a terroristychnoyi possible threats and emergencies. Management DSNS in Chernihiv regionSource: