September 18 held a public meeting on the election of the community council in Ivano-Frankivsk City Council
In order to promote citizen participation in matters of local importance of public control over the activities of local government territorial community of September 18, 2015 in the meeting room of the Executive Committee ( kab.311) held the founding meeting of the public council at the election of the Ivano-Frankivsk city council. Beginning at 13.00 hours. Personal structure of the initiative group on preparation and holding of constituent assembly election public council in Ivano-Frankivsk city council approved the decision of the Ivano-Frankivsk city council from 07.28.2015 p. 1806-56 Aboutcreation of initiative group ": - Nicholas Vitenko - Secretary City Council - Igor Kinash - head of domestic policy City Council Executive Committee - Bogdan Glow - authorized representative of the initiative group, representatives of public organization "People's Council of Ivano-Frankivsk" - Alexander Kernyakevych - representatives of publicsecond organization "Civic Initiative Galicia" - Taras Kuz - the representative of the NGO "Ivano-Frankivsk regional union soldiers ATO" - Alexander Osipov - representative of NGO "Western movement of motorists" - Vitaly Romanets - Deputy Head of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Department IFOU NGO "Antykoruptsiyne Bureau of Ukraine " - Sergei Syvachuk - representative of the Ivano-Frankivsk regional public organization "Patriot of Ukraine". On the basis of applications compiled a list of members of a constituent assembly and public nominations to the Board: 1) Dmitruk Yaroslav Stepanovich - NGO "IF Ray"; 2) Syvachuk Sergey - NGO "Patriot of Ukraine"; 3) smithb Vasiliy Fedorovich - NGO "Ivano-Frankivsk City Organization of Employers'; 4) Romanyshyn Yevgeny Ivanovich - NGO "Club managers"; 5) Rozmetanyuk Vasily Ivanovich - NGO "National Environmental Agency"; 6) of Kiev Taras Kuz - NGO "Ivano-Frankivsk regional union ATU soldiers"; 7) Ilkiv Maria Petrovna - Ivano-Frankivsk city the organismTION All-Ukrainian League of Women; 8) Dolishniy Rostislav Bogdanovic - "Foundation of St. Perteleymona palliative care center"; 9) Bidochko Diana V. - GS "Order Salamander"; 10) Rotaru, Vladimir Ilyich - NGO "Civil Law"; 11) Glow Bogdan Petrovic - NGO "People's Council of Ivano-Frankivsk"; 12) Roman Fedornyak Pomanovych - All-Ukrainian Association "The Voice"; 13) Osipa Alexander E. - NGO "Western movement of motorists"; 14) Kernyakevych Alexander Sergeyevich - NGO "Civic Initiative Galicia"; 15) Oleg Sevastyanov - NGO "Youth Dance Theatre" Vertical Limit "; 16) Lysyuk Vladimir - NGO "People's Council Carpathians"; 17)Gritsak Andrew Z. - NGO "Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Federation of Bodybuilding (bodybuilding) and fitness"; 18) Lysyuk Maxim - "Committee of Voters of Ukraine"; 19) Vennyk Bogdan M. - Primary trade union organization of Ivano-Frankivsk ambulance and emergency care; 20) Vintonyuk Igor Mikhailovich - NGO "AssociationTaxpayers of Ukraine ". This was reported in the Ivano-Frankivsk City CouncilSource: