We lose because fighting with the enemy, which does not want to win -

Kasyanov We are losing the war because fighting with the enemy, who did not want to win. This enemy - not homegrown "syepary" Russian occupiers and not even all of Putin's "Russian World". Enemy number one - ourselves. This on its Facebook page written public aktyvist Yuri Kasyanov and volunteer. &Laquo; Talk openly. We are losing the war. A series of defeats at the front, interspersed with so-called peace agreements, demonstrates the political impotence of power and complete incompetent military command & raquo ;, – wrote volunteer. He cites « not a complete list of our failures & raquo ;: « dogovornas » to enter Hirkina with the word ’ yang, the defeat of our communities in the border areas « D & raquo ;, Ilovaysk, departure airport Lugansk, loss Novoazovska, 32 th and 31 th roadblocks, defeat in Donetsk airport, Debaltseve & raquo ;. &Laquo; List victorious lies – Even better, we decided to call defeat winss; and all failures blamed the Kremlin. If you can not cancel the retreat, it should lead – declare « planned departure » followed rewarding and photos on the city ’ Five. And the treacherous intrigue Putin can always be attributed to personal cowardice and incompetence & raquo ;, – adds volunteer. He notes that BCis more and more understate the amount of loss, lack of technology, end shells, « military aid from Western democracies famous not expected & raquo ;. &Laquo; looms ahead full military disaster, the loss of even larger areas, economic collapse, and the collapse of the state management system & raquo ;, – wrote volunteer. &Laquo; we lose. Program that are at war with the enemy, who do not want to win. This enemy – NOT homegrown « & raquo ;, syepary not Russian invaders and even entire Putin « Russian World & raquo ;. Enemy number one – ourselves, our cowardly leaders shortsighted and incompetent generals; our new / old Topram Council is unable to take responsibility for the country; terrible corruption that has become part of our lives; our outlook serfs who expect mercy from the good Mr. & raquo ;, – Yuri explains his opinion Kasyanov. He adds that, « of course, we have bright minds, hands and pure hearts passionate & raquo ;: « almost all of them – at the front. In war, all brains work better; life becomes clearer, and people – the way they are. Here appreciated by deeds, not by words; and no post, wonderful outfits and trendy machine completely worthless if the person is a coward and a scoundrel. This fight is so good as it does not interfere with the General Staff; another peace agreement believe neredvisnykom Great War; and well aware of what to do to win & raquo ;. According to volunteer in the rear is different: « Some pray for the President, his other curse. Cursing, find a new icon with a blue screen, and pray for her. Behind relying on the West; sanctions and military assistance. All volunteersfind heroes and famous Combat – Napoleon. Behind do not want to fight, and do not like bad news. In the struggle between truth about the war and TV always wins last. When the reality of war still burst into public consciousness inhabitants, they are in a severe dissonance with the implemented there before the official propaganda.Can end this rebellion blind – AP assault, siege of Staff, Supreme Council of arson and other ways to destroy the foundations of statehood joy northern neighbor & raquo ;. Yury Kasyanov said that the northern neighbor is keen Ukraine. &Laquo; Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union. Most of the population of Russia wants the same. Chauvinism dosyad unprecedented heights; war hysteria increases; civilians affluent Russian cities are ready to go to kill us. Putin ready to make direct aggression, – notes volunteer. &Ndash; The West and the US would not fight for us. In the war of nerves with the entire civilized world the Kremlin won a convincing victory: Ukraine gave Putin once Chehoslovachchynu Hitler & raquo ;. According to him, we lose, but you can not give up. &Laquo; We actually one – alone against a cruel enemy. But we want to win. What to do? &Ndash; Fight in the rear and fight in the war. Do not organize riots, but hard to change the system. Change themselves. To build a new army. Nominate talented forward combatx commanders. Develop military-industrial complex. Hands lower early. The struggle will be long & raquo ;, – said volunteer. Told

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/