Ukrainian women are in violation of the musculoskeletal system are trying to address their problems

NGO "Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities" implements the project "Reproductive health of women in violation of the musculoskeletal system in Lviv region." The aim was to raise awareness and to medical problems receiving servicesrelated to reproductive health, including as a result of spinal injury with damage to the spinal cord. This correspondent IA ZIK &Laquo; It would seem that our problem is not the time, there are many important topics, but we did focus on access to medical services for people with disabilities in general, as a woman in a wheelchair – This kind of affordability criterion for anyone. Our project involved analysis of the situation in Lviv region to respect the reproductive rights of women with problems of the musculoskeletal system, thus to create a single database on the number of people in the carriage, as such, does not exist, and to audit the availability of healthHealth ’ I survey physicians & raquo ;, – says project manager Natalia chickens. Instead, head of the Health ’ Vladimir tooth I assured women that work in this direction continues accessibility issues for people with disabilities in our medical institutions are relevant, they are trying to improve, but realismovuyutsya is not in one year. &Laquo; We have more than 50 health care ’ I, in which people seek medical care, 22 buildings have ramps, because technically it is not possible in view of the architecture of the city. In such places the call button tailored medical personnel. Classrooms reception arranged for nershomu floor with no elevator. If some clinics was not possible to adjust the room or create a comfortable environment movement is possible, these women assign to another medical facility, where the proper conditions & raquo ;, – says official doctor of technical aspects of accessibility. According to Vladimir tooth must also hold Mr.idhotovku experts on reproductive health ’ I, including obstetrician-gynecologists who could hold a series of workshops to teach medical personnel how to deal with women as a special category of patients. Also, the chief physician region offered to women with disabilities be examined for breast screening,medical personnel and establishments with the right equipment to help with this technique. Therefore, during the project a series of educational events for women and teens with disabilities to obtain advice on reproductive health ’ I, trainings and seminars. After all, 178 women in wheelchairs in Lvivwaiting for such assistance. These women are hoping that the public will pay attention to their problems and help you experience the joy of motherhood. Told
