During the first month of 2015 is almost five thousand Vinnitsa families received housing subsidies

According to the Central Statistical Office in Vinnitsa region in January 2015 in subsidies for reimbursement for housing and communal services requested 5300 families (in 4.0 times more than in the same period 2014). The share of applications domohospodarsTV residing in urban areas was 79.3%. The total number of recipients of subsidies were highest share of households receiving subsidies in the winery, Haysyn, Kalynivskyi, Teplice and Bar areas (43,1-3,3%) and the lowest - in Yampil, Mogilev-Podolsk, Chernivtsi, Kryzhopolsky ,Zhmerinskiy, Bershad and Sharhorodskyi areas (0,1-0,9%). In January 2015 for subsidies for reimbursement for housing and utilities 4.8 thousand. Families, representing 90.5% of all households who applied for subsidies. Compared to the same period in 2014 the number of households whofor state aid, increased by 3.6 thousand., or 3.8 times. The total amount of subsidies intended to households for reimbursement for housing and communal services in January 2015, amounted to 1615.5 thousand., Which is 1381.1 thousand. more than in 2014, with her in urban areas - 1261.7 thous., in Ruralkiy area - 353.8 thousand. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/