In Ivano-Frankivsk began Patriarchal Cathedral Church

Divine Liturgy, held by the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), in the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Ivano-Frankivsk on August 25 began the sixth session of the Patriarchal Council of the UGCC. Subject cathedral – « parish Live – meeting with Mrs. placelev Christ & raquo ;. VI Session of the Patriarchal Cathedral will last from 25 to 27 August in Ivano-Frankivsk. 250 delegates from 57 countries for three days to discuss important issues of church and secular life. This Patriarchal Cathedral, said His Beatitude Sviatoslav, misianskym is a true sign of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian Church, sign of hopeher, a sign that the Lord is with us, a sign that it is in our hands, God gives strength to banish all evil from our personal life, and in particular the long-suffering Ukrainian pour blood ’ S our country.  13:00 march took place through Memorial Square and memorial service for the heroes who are buried there. Jobs Council held in the form of plenary and sectioniynyh meetings. Plenary held in Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Music and Drama Theatre. They will discuss certain topics, analyze the situation and church events and host resolution. August 27 at 17:00 will go on Drama prayer procession, which will carry the flags of the participating countries Council. Procession Centraltynoyu Ivano-Frankivsk to Andrew Sheptytsky Square, which will host the consecration of his monument. For delegates Patriarchal Council provided tours Carpathians historical places they visit Coloma, Galich, Hoshiv. Completed Cathedral Vespers at 18:15 on August 27 with the removal of the Assumption of the shroud. The first took place at the Patriarchal CathedralLviv, previous, n ’ fifth – in Brazil. During all days of the Safety Council of visitors and residents Carpathian region ensure rescuers.
