"Wikipedia" will not delete the article, through which it can block
in "Wikipedia" will not remove the article from the site with information on how to prepare the drug, through which Roskomnahlyad can block the entire resource. Told RIA Novosti CEO NP « Vykymedya RU » Stanislav Kozlovsky. « Wikipedia »– a universal encyclopedia of all information taken from citing various sources. In this article, all the information taken from the site of the UN, all academic sources. We discussed the situation and decided to leave the article & raquo ;, – Kozlovsky said. Asked whether the company is ready to risk blocking the whole « & raqu Wikipediao; in Russia, Kozlovsky said: « We are ready in 2012, with the adoption of the Law & raquo ;. « meaning « Wikipedia » – collect and transmit their knowledge to people ... If Roskomnahlyad believes that people do not need knowledge ... & raquo ;, – he said. Earlier Roskomnahlyad reported that it has received the decision ChernoyarskohoDistrict Court of Astrakhan region of the Russian Federation to ban dissemination of information on how to prepare narcotic substances located in the « Wikipedia & raquo ;. In case of refusal to remove the data resource may be included in the register of banned information. Thus, because the administrator « Wikipedia » online resourceoperates on the basis of the protocol HTTPS, which does not allow restrictions to individual pages will be blocked entire life.Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/