Rivne: interesting for adults! (+ photos)
Dear parents! Near the end of the summer school holidays. And this is a good time to repeat with their children traffic rules. It is usually during the summer they forget the intense traffic, and in order to at the beginning of the school year kids was not difficult to restore these locattion, remind them the basics of safe behavior on the road are required. And to do that we need it - adults. A small monument contains simple rules that will save and protect children from accidents. * Regularly remind your child the basics of safe behavior on the road. Remember, it is better to prevent a traffic accident thansorry about what happened. Young children better explain the rules of the road in the form of games, with special gaming books, educational videos. * Daily while walking a child to explain the action in difficult traffic situations. Advance eve of September 1 go with the child several times on route to wwhen and back. Pay attention to his road markings, road signs, traffic lights. * When transporting a child in a car must use seat belts and child restraints special device. They allow several times to reduce the severity of the consequences of the accident and help save the life of a child. * If inside the car are incompleteolitni, you must be careful and not make sudden maneuvers. * When traveling kindergartens, schools and places of children, reduces the rate of advance, be prepared for the sudden appearance of a child on the road. * Before buying your child a bicycle or moped in advance to discuss with him about the rules of behavior on the road, explain in detail that its aboutov'yazky the driver, where, how and at what age it can move along the roadway. Do not forget the bike and helmet and other protective equipment that are intended to soften the blow, with the possible collision or fall. * And most importantly, try to raise their children by example: never, under any circumstances violate their presence in Regulationtraffic being as pedestrian and driver. * Safe roads to you! It was reported the press service of STI of MIA of Ukraine in Rivne regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/