In Chernihiv region firefighters eliminated peat fire and dry flooring in forest area over the last

days Shchorsky firefighters eliminated two fires that occurred in ecological systems. August 19th at 13:04 to the Rescue "101" was reported burning 0.3 hectares of dry grass in peat bog near the village. Chapel. To place a claimodiyi firefighters arrived 8th state of fire-rescue units and fire brigade Shchors "Ahrolishospu." Together, rescue and forest managers who have worked almost n ’ Five hours, not been a fire spread to a large area and eliminated peat fire. The cause of the fire was the careless human in flodzhenni with fire. On the same day at 17:49 through abandoned camper burned fire flooring in the forest area near the city. Shchors. Besides firefighters to extinguish the fire actively joined the locals. Fire Fighting lasted 40 minutes, bringing been no spread of fire in forest. In connection ’ connection with this call rescuersayut citizens to be cautious in dealing with fire. Do not dispose of outstanding matches, cigarette butts and not dilute the fire in the forests, fields and peat bogs around. UDSNS in Chernihiv region
