In Vinnitsa region celebrated the 65th anniversary of the formation of the All-Ukrainian sports society "Kolos" (+ photos)

yesterday, 19 August, to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the All-Ukrainian sports society "Kolos" in Berezovka, which initiated the residents of organizations, heads of regional branches got DSF "Colossus" from all Ukrayiny, sports veterans, employees of structural subdivisions of family, youth and sports districts. "When last 65 years, it can be argued that the decision establishing VFST" Colossus "was true. It contributed to the development of mass sports movement among rural youth. And we are seeing that many students - "Colossians" during this time ofand get caught on nationwide championships, European and Olympic Games. We are all proud of them, "- said in his speech Igor Ivasjuk. During the event, all the heads of regional departments DSF "Colossus" Alexander Mendi presented commemorative memorials. Also awarded gifts and certificates Veterans Society and patrons chHorta. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
