In the regional center under the wheels hit by car zhytomyryanka 84

traffic violations were detected and terminated employees of the State roads in the region over the past days. Arrested 13 drivers for drive vehicles while intoxicated. For the past day were 1 accident inwhere 1 person injured. About 19 hours and 20 February at the crossroads. Kiev Highway - Fruit in. Zhytomyr driver "Mazda", 28-year-old Zhytomyr region, hit pedestrians, 47-year-old resident of the regional center, which crossed the roadway on unregulated pedestrian crossings. Due to an accident Piszohid received injuries and was transported to the hospital. Dear citizens! Analyzing traffic accidents, State car appeals to drivers: Be constantly vigilant with regard to pedestrian Give them an advantage in motion when traveling intersections and pedestrian crossings. You have the main role in preventingAccident. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr region
