Construction of ice arena in Uzhgorod plans to finish by 2018

The press center of the Transcarpathian Regional Administration held a press conference on the construction of ice arenas in the city. Uzhgorod. The event was attended by Chairman of Federation of hockey in the Transcarpathian region Vasily Yabryk, vice-president of hockey in the Transcarpathian region Rostislav Yarema, Director of Ice-Land John Haydan coach hockey team" Uzhgorod Bears "Andrew Maksimovic, Deputy Director Vasily ZODYUSSH Ivanko and representatives of the local media. During the appointment protagonists presented the project of the ice palace. In addition, individuals are given detailed answers to all urgent issues. See also: Uzhhorodscue "PADIYUN" continue to update Recall Regional Hockey Federation leaders plan to build ice arena on the site of the fourth pitch of the stadium "Avangard". According to the representatives themselves of the sport after seeing all construction arena not only a platform for hockey. "There can safely holdXia sports such as handball, volleyball and other species. The territory of this arena helps. Be able to come and speak there, even a circus! "- Note hockey leaders. Another important feature of future construction, according to the initiators of the construction is the creation of Event Hall, which can hold different kinds of fairs and festivalsand. "For athletes infrastructure plays an important role. If you provide children with the necessary conditions (changing rooms, showers, etc.) - soon they will give athletes a result, "- the head of the Russian Hockey Federation naholosyyv Transcarpathian Vasyl Yabryk. Ice arena will be built in three stages. During the first phase of plans to build a field on the second- Cover it. The third stage involves the construction of auxiliary facilities, such as office building with changing rooms, rest rooms and recovery of athletes. Arena will be 800 spectator mists..Minimalna amount of money, according to organizers - is 50 million USD. Add, too, with models, which will attract Assistedof the bulk of investors. The main objective of building an ice arena - an opportunity to train 9 months during the year. Fully complete all additional building infrastructure plan by 2018. Leaders Hockey Federation Transcarpathia questions to continue confrontation with the football public, said that never considered their opponents or enemies:"We want sport in Transcarpathia developed evenly. The place we had chosen not by chance: it near and tennis courts, and a pool and gym, and running track. Our athletes will, therefore, keep fit, not only on the ice cover. " Invited to the word and coach children's teams, who spoke on condition of training uzhhrodskyhhockey: "Children are involved in about 5 years. If ice for 9 months, then after a few years we can compete with the Slovaks and Czechs. " News of Transcarpathia - "Carpathian lens" Told
