Weather in Ukraine on Wednesday, August 5.
On Wednesday in Ukraine, partly cloudy weather expected. In most of the country dry weather will prevail. In Crimea, possible rain and thunder. The temperature at night will be + 12 ... + 24 C at night, and +25 ... + 36. Wind variable, mostly northern, eastern, western and eastern 2-8 m / s. In Sectionivnichnyh areas expected to partly cloudy. In the dry weather will prevail. At night the temperature will be + 13 ... + 17 C at night – from 29 to 31. Wind south and southwest, 1-4 m / s. In the southern regions – partly cloudy. In most of the region's rainfall is not expected. At night the thermometer will showTh +19 ... + 24 C at night, the air warms up to +30 ... + 36. Wind northeast, northwest and southwest, 3-7 m / s. In Crimea, cloudy weather with clearings, on the peninsula is a high probability of rain and thunder. In Krasnoperekopsk precipitation is not expected. At night the temperature will be +21 ... + 24 degrees. Highs will range from 30 to +33. Wind southeast, northeast and southwest 2-8 m / s. In the eastern regions are expected sunny weather. In the dry weather will prevail. At night, +17 ... + 23 C day temperature will be +32 ... + 33. Wind northwest and southwest, 2-6 m / s. In the western regions is forecast cloudy weather with clearings. In mostof the region rain. Air temperature at night drops to +12 ... + 19 C at night the thermometer will show +25 ... + 34. Wind east, southeast and southwest, 1-4 m / s. In the Carpathians – cloudy weather with clearings, in the region will go in the evening light rain and thunder. Air temperature at night to +15 ... + 19 in the daytime – to+29 ... + 31 degrees. Wind southeast, south and southwest, 1-3 m / s. In the central areas – sunshine. In the mainly without precipitation. At night the thermometer will show +16 ... + 19 C at night – from 29 to 33. Wind south and southwest, 1-4 m / s.Source: