In the Lviv region in Stryi district police inspectors hold meetings with the population of

To establish a dialogue and effective interaction Stryisky city police department with the public, which is one of the main objectives of the Public Council, which operates under the Ministry of Interior, held in Striy Public meeting of counciland district police officers and local residents. Thus, its activity has reported local policeman serving street on territoriality are utilities "Hope" and "Dawn". During the meeting that took place on 3 February in the premises of public utility "Hope", reported to the publicStu Chief of district inspectors Stryisky City Department of Police Major Roman Wolf, a senior district police inspector Major Sergey Hayovskyy and the district inspector of Police Lieutenant Roman Catfish. February 10 about the main results of the 2014 reported a senior district police inspector Lt. Victor Zahorbenment and the district inspector of police Lieutenant Sergey Andriyashyn. The meeting with members of the law enforcement officers of the Public Council, local activists, members and residents took place at national home. Striy. Opening these meetings, the chairman of the Public Council Igor Bryk present results demonstrated anonymous survey conductedI sit on the board of the local inhabitants. The survey was conducted to study the problems that most concerned stryyan, and - as they evaluate the work of district police officers. According to the survey results, such painful issues, both in CP "Hope" and - ME "Dawn" are fighting the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction, Then - theft, spiteful relations with its neighbors, failure silence at night, etc. .. After the performance of police officers present at the meeting social activists, local residents had an opportunity to ask questions of local policeman and express their wishes and comments on their work. Vladimir Loyish, MPStriyskoy City Council, who was present at the meeting held on February 10, said that only joint efforts of the public and the police can achieve results in the fight against crime, and change in life for the better. He wished all present not to stop along the way, despite the obstacles. As planned, on Tuesday, 1February 7, will meet with residents, who live in service of public utility "Dream". Further, every Tuesday, according to the schedule of the meeting will be held with villagers Stryisky area. Olga Martsynyuk, Assistant Chief Stryisky MB
