In Ternopil extend the road to the villages, streets factory
for the City Day in Ternopil repair the driveways in the villages, streets factory, 3 and 5, near the factory of furniture « new & raquo ;. Kommunalschiki say that there capitally repaired asphalt coating and arrange sidewalks for pedestrians. Currently, workers dismantle oldand borders and establish new and expand space for temporary parking. As says head of maintenance and repair of housing management utilities Anna Mutsa also continuing work on expansion of the road, its width now be 4 m. 50 cm. &Laquo; Width road meets all standards, that there willturn two cars. Also arrange new pedestrian sidewalks. Approval of these residents are. Has meeting before work, also during repair works on location traveled Expert Group. Was this about ’ and the site of the Mayor, who spoke with residents & raquo ;, - says Anna Mutsa. Reported atTernopil City CouncilSource: