In Ukraine, this year's first lesson in schools will be held on patriotic themes
secondary and vocational schools start the new school year first lesson of national-patriotic education of children and youth. The press service of the Lviv Regional State Administration. As noted in a letter to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a topic soth lesson schools should identify yourself. &Laquo; When selecting themes, preparing and conducting lesson appropriate to draw attention to the history of the Ukrainian state, development and strengthening of the state, the history of the state symbols of Ukraine. This can be a lesson thinking about the historical fate of Ukraine, heroic defenders of modern sovereignty and thetorial integrity, talk with students about the present and the prospects of Ukraine. Appropriate to an invitation to the first lesson of the Revolution of dignity, veterans and members of the Russian-Ukrainian war, volunteers & raquo ;, – recommendations referred to in MES. The Ministry also reported that first graders who transgress first paragraphorih school can acquaint with the history of the school, the achievements of its graduates, especially the study it more. Moreover, with age elementary school students, the first lesson may be asked to topic lesson « What can be proud of Ukrainian? &Raquo; watching cartoons with a series of patriotic orientation « This&Ndash; ours and it – yours! & raquo ;, created by channel « & raquo ;, PlyusPlyus with further discussion. The department recommended during the first lesson and avoid formalism zaorhanizovanosti, paint the first day of the new school year festivity, solemnity, good mood, emotion, optimism.Source: