A training for community activists Vinnichiny on the application of the new anti-corruption legislation (+ photos)

February 20 in the premises of the Regional Scientific Library im.Timiryazeva conducted training for community activists Vinnichiny the practical application of the new anti-corruption legislation in the anti-corruption in reciprocalodiyi with authorities and criminal justice. This meeting was organized for civil society activists and government representatives Ukrainian public organization "Human Rights Organization" Common Goal ", supported by experts Transparencu International Ukraine and Ukrainian special boards on the fight against corruption. Topicfinding ways of effective cooperation and civil society actors countering corruption has become a requirement for effective and responsible attitude to changes in the relations of power and citizen. During the study were presented to representatives of special subjects combating corruption, justice, government, representatives public mechanisms of legal solutions in fighting corruption, fixing corruption offenses, public oversight of bringing those responsible to justice. The necessity of increased attention to the challenges the public to combat corruption in government. Especially requires changes judiciary, law enforcementand regulatory authorities, and therefore national anti-corruption bureau launches anti-corruption system. Over the years 2014-15 Combating Corruption Center in partnership with NGOs implemented practical support cooperation between authorities and representatives of CSOs in combating corruption in 8 regions of Ukraine. This project aims to returncitizens to self-esteem and confidence through legal education, dialogue with the criminal justice system, creating a network of public anti-corruption initiatives, training of active-minded leaders. During the meeting, experts prezentuvalas strategy and concept of the project, described the interaction of government and criminal justice from the communityAffairs Department, revealed opportunities for public participation in anti-corruption initiatives. The participants were given training materials on the algorithm of public anti-corruption investigations and presented certificates of participation in training to combat corruption. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/