Luciana much less complain about the work of public passenger transport About
appeals of citizens received a rapid response group "15-80" from 13 July to 30 July 2015 during the operative meeting reported Director of "Center of administrative services in Lutsk "Larissa Karpiak. For the reporting period to the Miskoth Board received 951 phone application (an average of 60 a day), 346 of them - information and advisory nature. Compared to the same period last year increased the number of calls (644th 2014.) - Said Larissa Karpiak. Most complaints concerned the work of housing and communal services of the city, such as 141 calls (14percent). Pursuant to the HCS-2 was passed 11 messages; HCS-3 - 28; HCS-7 - 18; Housing office, HBC 8 - 16; HCS-11 - 4; LLC "M.ZH.K." - 19. 122 applications (12 percent) concerned the lack of electricity in homes and apartments, which were caused by a planned shutdown, and emergency. 56 applications received by the group "15-80" pptosuvalys of KP "Lutskvodokanal." For citizens by employees was eliminated gusts to tap the network to the street. Konyakina 5, Gorka Friday, 5 S.Kovalevskoyi angle Christian; external sewer network cleaned on the street. Kravchuk, 40 July 21 due to flooding of the engine room pump Omelyanivskoyiher station caused by a gust of water was suspended water district. On this occasion, received 30 calls from residents of the street Lviv, Vladimir, Kovel, Shevchenko, Lysenko and adjacent streets, a half hour water supply restored. 34 concerned the appeal of SCE "Lutskteplo." It was on appeallack of hot water in homes and non Lutsk since February accomplishment after repair work on heating the houses on the avenue of the Renaissance, and 26-26 to the street. Zagorodny, 5. As for the adjustment of street lighting and adjoining areas received 23 calls. During this period, light was restored vulyts: Shevchenko, 74, Gongadze, 18 Karbysheva 2 would Fedorov, 2b, Gnidava, 63 remain under control following address: Fedorov, 1, 6, 8; Officer, 1; School, 14; Veterans, 9; Stanislavsky, Bendeliani; Friendship of Peoples. Addressed LSKAP "Lutskspetskomuntrans" passed 14 messages. About untimely removal of solid waste and cleaningnear containers reported residents of Krivoy Val Street, 23; Potebni 63a; Mechnikova, 22; Panfilov, 22. The two appeals concerned grids Cleaning stormwater sewerage network on the street. Pushkin, 9 and Young Avenue, 12. In the control is cutting weeds along the district. Sapalayivky from the street. Yaroshchuk to the street. Chopin. 40 calls were from luchaCategories on the work of PJSC "Volynhaz." July 22 in connection with the planning and inspection and verification of the density of gas pipelines and gas equipment of gas supply was stopped building on Victory Avenue, 21, and 28 July for the same reason cut off gas in the house on the street. Field 1 and as a result of an emergency stop hazopostachannya in the house on the avenue Reunion, 20a / 1 under. Unfortunately, due to lack of residents, the availability of debt for gas and a number of violations, restore the flow of gas per day shutdown fails, as of the morning 29.07. without gas remained 5 apartments in the house on Victory Avenue, 21, 25 flats in the house on vul.Polova 1 and 36 quartir a house on the avenue Reunion, 20a. Many complain Lutsk raising tariffs for gas for the wrong the counters are put in check, and the inability dotelefonuvatys subscriber department of the company to report data meters. 25 calls for this period was transferred to the department of municipal response of friendlyyny. They concerned residents of disagreement with the construction work near their homes, the landscaping near the recreation facilities and trade complaints about the dog owners. 24 messages concerned the resumption of radio outlets in apartments Lutsk. Some addresses are repeated over several weeks, all requests submitted pursuant toJSC "Ukrtelecom". 15 applications were received to solve the problem of stray dogs. All appeals submitted pursuant to the KP "weasel." However, thanks received from residents of the house on the avenue Reunion, 32a for the prompt response to the large number of stray dogs near their home. Significantly fewer appeals rayan, who lamented the work of urban passenger transport during the reporting period received only 14 calls. These were complaints on non Lutsk traffic schedule buses and trolleybuses, lack of morning and the last flights misconduct drivers (taxis were noted in the reports number 9a; 18; 22; 23; 25; 26a and trolleys 5; 8.All appeals submitted to monitor and take action in the management of transport and communications. Mayor Mykola Romaniuk stressed that SCE "Lutskteplo" and CE "Lutskvodokanal" not timely cited order in places where there was an emergency situation. Instructed the heads of these companies during the week to eliminate shortcomings. He also asked the supervisorivnykiv PJSC "Volynhaz" on proper informing people about the planned shutdown of gas in some homes for maintenance. For this it is necessary to work more closely with HCS, condominium associations, media. Do not assume that people were disconnected from gas supply for several days. You also need to develop a mechanism for disabling individual quartyr that do not pay for gas or violated the rules of connectivity. This was reported in Lutsk city councilSource: