In Vinnitsa region opened memorial plaque in memory of the fighters ATO Flies Vladimir and Vladimir Cherkasov (+ photos)

On the day of commemoration of the baptism of Kievan Rus and memory of Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev, in the village Rossosh Teplyk district opening memorial boards soldiers, who last year gave their lives protecting the integrity of Ukraine.This day was chosen without reason, because killing two Vladimir - Fly and Cherkasov. Their heart almost stopped beating at one time, in lypni2014 year, with a difference of three days. Both studied at secondary school Rososhanskiy because it is on its facade and placed plaques. Participation in the opening took my mother died young, district youexecutive power: the head of the State Administration Vasyl Romaniuk rulers and local government: deputy chairman of the district council Ruslan Trambovetsky, head of the territorial community Rososhanskoyi Dean Havryliuk, young people, the villagers, representatives of regional NGOs, clergy and the media. Pain and anguish for the lostand young lives were permeated speeches all those who took the floor. In carrying Teplyk chorus "Revival" sounded spiritual songs, with children's mouth sounded poems mentioned guys want everyone who is now fighting for Ukraine not to repeat their way, the whole world prayed for the souls of the dead. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
