Ivano-Frankivsk: Quay street repair was carried out at the expense of the community the city and region

Ivano-Frankivsk city council considered the issue of repair of Quay Street. Vasil Stefanik While discussing the City Council Sergey Borzov said that it is important that in the session hall sounded again - repair EPA Quay Streetysnyuvavsya cost for community, not private entities or persons. In the city budget in 2014 for its repair was allocated 10 mln. USD. and in 2015 provided another 4 mln. UAH. Mayor Victor Anushkevychus supported to the MP and added that the company performing the repair of roads has earned a considerable amount, because despite 10 mln. USD. for repairs to cityhorns and regional council has allocated 15 mln. USD. Thus the community has to understand that the road repair is held by its funds. This was reported in the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/