Ivano-Frankivsk region, the Office DSNS in the competition identified best hazodymozahysnykiv

in a DSNS in a second stage skills of « Best in Profession » hazodymozahysnykiv of fire-rescue units of the region. After the theoretical part – testing, there was practical, which had in the cityETI to assess the level of general and special physical training hazodymozahysnykiv. Since the competition was attended by the best representatives of their units, the victory was determined high skill and dexterity. All representatives were stable and high, but made the best three winners. First place won Fire and Rescueik DPRCH 5 m. Povh Ivan Tolmachev, second – Fire rescue DPRCH-4 village. Bogorodchani Vladislav Batenko third – squad DPRCH-7m. Coloma Yuri Fedyuk.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/