Rescuers were taught fire safety Uzhgorod Uzhgorod
rescuers continue to exercise in Fire-prevention working to teach people the rules of safe behavior and reduce the number of fires in the province. In particular, the measure on July 21 held in Uzhgorod. To work selected street that serves ZHRER 5.First of all, representatives of City District Department DSNS navidalysya the office ZhRERu 5, that on the street. 8 March. Rescuers organized a briefing with fire safety regulations for workers enterprises that direct contact with the residents of the neighborhood and with them periodically Rose ’ yasnyuvalni conversation. But the main purpose of and preventivetion began working visits to the homes of workers DSNS poor families. Citizens voiced major recommendations on safe behavior in everyday life, the rules of the use of electric and gas appliances, and warned of the careless handling of fire. For better assimilation of information rescuers distributed leaflets to people protypozhezhnu theme. In Ukraine DSNS in the Transcarpathian regionSource: