Ideas of earning money online for students

World of translation : Internet
, 19:50

the Internet can be a good source of income for students who want to earn extra money. Kids, if you want to earn some money, you don't need ask parents for pocket money or to mow the lawn for your neighbor. There are many ways to make real money online, no matter how old you are.

be Sure to discuss with parents their plans to make money on the Internet. Although there are many legitimate ways to make money in the global web, there are fraudsters who need to beware. Next, we consider some interesting ideas to make money online for kids (more ideas you find )


Become an artist

sites Such as Etsy, allow you to earn money as a real artist. You can post almost anything you want to sell, whether drawings or paintings or handmade earrings.


Make your own movies

You don't need to live in Hollywood to earn the money for the movie. Today, Youtube allows people to earn advertising placed on your videos. Creating films, videos, cartoons, Comedy movies (anything), you can make real money.


Become a cartoonist

You can make comics about whatever I want. Selling t-shirts and advertising space for advertisers is a great way to earn some money with your own comic book.


Get your column recommendations

Today you are free to start a personal blog, and when it becomes popular, place a few ads to get some revenue. What you write depends on you, for example, you can write a column of recommendations. People can send you questions asking how to deal with bullies or to talk to a girl they like, and you can give them advice from my own experience.


take surveys

There are many sites for surveys that actually pay with real money, coupons and gift cards for their completion. Some of them require that the person was 18 years or older, but there are those who are looking for the point of view of children.



Online video games is not just a fun hobby, but a way to get. If you can do well to play video games, then you have the opportunity to earn money in tournaments, but you have to be really good at it.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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