Perevahy LEGO cagli

World of translation : Construction
, 19:47

ciogodnichnyu day there is the toll-budulinek a large number of materials, yaki toil svo? of perevahy, I nadoli the scope of zastosuvannya. One s naybilsh best materials , a unversally LEGO tsegla. VDNKh rice, in this budowlanego material : NavNet special of Zapaden I apulanta, that when sbhu autoroute mitsne I stike to mehanna vpliva z'єdnannya, Yak zabezpiecze dougout constructs. In addition osoblivosti virobnictva LEGO agli a vastly termsno obrobki, resultat chogo procorus I digit desiludida process vigotovlennya cagli.

Mcnti difference vyrobu zabezpecuje the way presovanny. On the pershoho Etap Pres vykorystovuyutsia for slnecna I dodanna form future AGL. Have in most cases vbrodie TSE, yaky Robit structure virobi more slim I zabezpiecza visoko tochnosti geometryczny forms. After itlive vprobes tsegla pData vpliva gtable Presa. Gtalk dozvola, stvoriti high tisk, zavdyaki any material I nabawa neophane mcnet. By the way, if you potrebna otrzymanego product, then better zastosowanie profesine ustatkuvannya for virobnictva LEGO cegli, not samarone.

Ale quality LEGO agli bagato in chomu saleit raw pravilnost od I Yogo donovana. In raw quality for virobnictva vykorystovuyutsia PSoC drvna frakt, clay, cement and water. Ostanni two components in sums present duzhe little.

yea Naybilsh posinenie tak sums, vykarystouvac for virobnictva LEGO cegli:

  • cement-gliniany, de clay becoming from 80 to 90%, the number of VOD dorny 3% and cement up to 10 %;
  • cement-clay-pmana, de number of pscu varusa within the limits of from 50 to 60%, cement of 10 %, the number of gliny in skladi from 30 to 40%, all other water;
  • Sumish on snow vdso ABO W vchodu scho tvoryatsya when robot s updatemime rocks. In this case to enter the warehouse from 75% to 80% melusi, 15% Portland cement, all other water.

Naybilsh accn virobi vihodyat s ostannia sums, nonetheless in addition with quality raw wibor when virobnictvo LEGO agli orahovats dostupnosti material. Varnakov parody dostupn not skrtl, Yak accn PSoC , a clay. Climatic umovi have bagatoh regions of Ukraine to dosit savor, resultat chogo budowy pdates seryoznym viprobuval, Sered yakih visok I nizic temperature, temperature Delta, pcvista humidity I etc Perevahy LEGO crpaw contact'yazku s CIM naybilsh Pasirink LEGO aglow what virobnictva yakogo vykorystovuyutsia vdsw debenu first nevelika (from 8% to 10%) number of cement. In addition to desagana neophane koloru in Sumish dodata pevna number colorouge pigment.

in addition osogo wise perezajennogo when virobnictvo LEGO agli mozhut vykorystovuyutsia I INSHI GReddy, yaki not mozhut tilki palpiti Sonny estimation of gotovih vyrobu and h technon characteristics. Such greate , oxide titanium I oxide salsa. For paviment stycast agli LEGO to vplive volage to the warehouse mozhut vkljuciti plastificator.

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Author: World of translation
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