The use of mineral wool for insulation of the house/apartment

World of translation : Construction
, 14:20

during the severe cold weather and increasing prices for heating, gas and electricity the landlord is a logical question about the insulation of the apartment or house. Today, the market presents two main material, the main purpose of which insulation of the room by lowering the temperature and, as a result, reducing the cost of utilities. The foam and mineral wool one of the most common materials, which help to reduce the check for utilities. On mineral wool, in this article we will talk a little bit more.

mineral wool

Mineral wool has long won the hearts of the builders, thanks to its excellent performance and simplicity of installation. It comes in rolls and slabs, of different thickness and density that gives you the opportunity to choose the best option for each specific project. Today on the market there are coils and sheets with thickness of 5,10 and 15 cm, most Often for heat insulation of external walls using mineral wool of thickness 150 mm.
Raw material for mineral wool in most cases serves as a metallurgical melt rocks and additional binder components. Depending on the main component are distinguished:

  • fiberglass;
  • basalt;
  • dolomite;
  • slag mineral wool.

Thin filament insulation is stretched on special machines, stacked in shape and are fastened together by a special resin. Thereafter, the blank is sent to furnace for polymerization.


Houses and apartments, insulated with mineral wool, have excellent sound and thermal insulation properties, and the thick plates allow you to hide these wall defects, such as curvature and roughness. Also to the material peculiar advantages which distinguish it from the rest:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. Depending on the density and thickness of the sheets, this value can range from 0.055 to 0.11 W/m*K;
  2. Breathable structure. Due to its porous texture, mineral wool is breathable and enables the house to breathe ;
  3. the Absorption of noise. Mineral wool drowns out all other sounds, allowing the homeowners to remain in relative silence, which is very important for families with young children;
  4. non-flammable. This aspect may be decisive for owners of wooden houses, as mineral wool will not allow the fire to spread to in extreme situations;
  5. Simple installation. The insulation of the facade of the building leaves wool does not require the use of special tools.

the Insulation of different types of walls

to choose a necessary material for insulating, it is recommended to use its design features and tasks that need to be addressed. The easiest way is to contact a specialist who can accurately determine what needs to be done to insulate the premises in each case. But there are General guidelines that will help determine the choice of materials:

  • For the house, built of wood, mineral wool is one of the key features to make it really warm and cozy. Why? Because wood tends to shrink, it is exposed to moisture and begins to rot. The only way to keep the building intact is to buy it and insulate the walls and roof of the house;
  • In the houses of frame type, installation of wool is carried out at the stage of construction. She laid between the guide wall and ceiling, enhancing the thermal insulation of walls;
  • If there is a need to insulate the walls, built of brick or concrete, in this case, experts recommend to carefully choose the thickness and density of the mineral wool because of how it's going to be tight depends on the temperature in the apartment.


whatever way of insulation and the thickness of the mineral wool would not choose a homeowner, you should remember that with this method the insulation of the building, the thickness of the walls increased by an average of 20 cm. It is necessary to change the width and length of window sills, visors and drains in order to reduce the probability of getting under the skin of moisture and damage the appearance of the facade of the building.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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