Thermopanels in Krasnodar

World of translation : Construction
, 13:59

build your own house, all thinking of what material to build a house and what materials to carry out finishing.

At the present moment represented a large number of technologies of construction of the home. these brick using bricks or hand moulding for facade of a building.

There are more dwellings erected motoblokov approximately the same as sposobom masonry and construction brick. Only here a question separate outer thermopanels remains sincere. For example hedgehog erect the frame home, metal, or dereva. Pretty rasprostraneno and construction of wood dwellings. Absolutely all of the above mentioned technologies of construction have their own pros and cons, its own aspects and advantages.

In the field of facade finishing materials for the exterior fa?ade of the home Department presented many kinds of materials these as

Plastic. This is a panel for the decoration of metal.

Plastic siding Is a panel made of plastic as in the embodiment of the rack and block for instance different textures

Bark Is the external plaster is reminiscent of the texture that it leaves on the tree bark beetle.

oblibeny Brick - a brick with perfect smooth faces, it happens to be for example the same hand-formed

ceramic tile is tile made of clay and baked. Then it is painted and treated with different impregnations.

fiber Cement panel is a panel on the base of the fibers and cement and wood shavings

company Royal decor up panels for the fa?ade of the dwelling which is suitable for all of the above these buildings as masonry, from tupobelka, foam concrete, aerated concrete, timber

Panel has good insulation and not only have funktionerna aesthetics but also cherish the warmth of your home.

Externally the panels are manufactured in the form of brickwork and have the outer texture of marble granite, Sandstone. Definitely have a smooth plane with a matte or gloss effect. Outer pane for strength made from the most durable concrete and are vodopronitsaemosti equal to 0

company ROYAL DECOR and gives the facade Thermopanel panels fresh standard prepared according to the most advanced technologies. They are hardy, wear-resistant, not pasaulslavenais and mud. Have a layer of insulator that actually allows the heat to protect your dwelling and save the facade of the dwelling from brutalidades around the outdoor environment. With our facade panels, you forever will forget on the subject of repair of the facade and a long time will UserData isanimation appearance


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Author: World of translation
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