Scho Takeo matizi?

World of translation : Construction
, 18:25

If man vpershe Chu word matisi, Yogo Golov often Vinica a large number of themselves RSNA of the Association. Ale on DL all it turns out nabagato prosthe. Metizi - TSE Metelev virobi. By the way, pridbati h sible in Internet MAGAZIN

Matisi can podeliti on TV category:

  • Wide priznachennya;
  • Promislovogo priznachennya.

Matisi wide priznachennya - TSE, as a rule, the first vegetable z metal, that in BlsI Mr vykorystovuyutsia in pasakaina it. Flies can Vanneste nastup ViDi wyrobu: nozhi, NOIZ, saw that INSHI items.

Matisi promislovogo priznachennya, Yak vyplyva z titles, used in promislovist (eg, salanitri). Before promislovih Metis can Vanneste nastup virobi: bolty, syrupy, metalevel DRT, krepline I INSHI items.



Krepline was otrimali to dosit wider posyannya in bagatoh areas promislovist. For example, krepleniya-metiz widely oxirene factories s virobnictva of. Also the wider zastosuvannya krepleniya-metizi was otrimali in construction remont, mashinobudivny Galus.


Budwell krepline

Budwell krepleniya-metizi was otrimali his posyannya, Yak seen s titles, SFER budownictwa. Budwell metizi priznachena for skreplennoe rskogo kind of designs I sporud. To budulinek krepleni can Vanneste nastup virobi: Dubel, cwahi, nuts, guinti, Samari TA INSHI items. Dan krepline can podeliti 2-bi a groupie,

  1. Virobi, yaki toil rsno confgures first estimation;
  2. Metrics virobi.

Virobi, yaki toil rsni confgures first estimation:

  • Washer. As a rule, packagesa pid Quint Chi nut. Chibi, in the main, used for zbilshennya PLoS oporno surface;
  • Bolt got estimation strizhen rivers W square or hex head, and also reseblence for nevinovna nuts;
  • Metrica stud has got bobbed, which, in turn, got reseblence on two cnzah. Nails posyannya Metrica hairpin Sochi, bezposrednio when Montag natina STEL; Quint - TSE bobbed s head, that has got SLC the pid vykrutka rzibo. As a rule, Quint got potamo ABO nepskogo head. The stench naybilsh often used for krepline pewno decal to surface;
  • Nut - TSE detail iz vnutri reseblence. H vigotovlennya in rznic types: nut podovzhuvach, kovacikova TA INSHI.

Metrics - TSE ti virobi, yaki toil strictly pevny Rosmer crock reseblence. To matrichnykh can Vanneste nastup virobi: nuts, hurts klepal nuts.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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