How not to run into a "Scam"?

World of translation : Internet
, 20:31

In a time of endless Internet surfing is not surprising that most people looking for a freebie in the global web? Freebie is an action which does not provide for any reciprocity. In a nutshell, a freebie is when a person receives a benefit (tangible or not), and to do or to give at the same time he does not need anything. Ie 2 parties to the transaction, 1 on the side of unselfish, and the 2nd - on the contrary. Next, we take a closer look at what is free online and will tell us about this editor


Examples freebies

For example, very often this situation, when the house is finished salt , and to go to the store reluctance. In this situation you can borrow salt from a neighbor and return it no need. From this we can conclude that all men without exception ready at the unconscious level something selflessly to give . But everyone has their own limits this "unselfishness".

Almost all people everywhere are trying to gain benefit, without giving absolutely nothing in return. And it often happens that in certain circumstances it turns out. If you follow the riders , then at least 1-in once a day, likely to hear such expressions: perhaps, somewhere , and suddenly a ride, etc. on this Basis, we can explain the appropriateness of various promotional moves (lottery, tasting, gifts , Raffles, samples of cosmetics, etc.).


Free online

If a couple of decades ago to get something free of charge meant to inflate (albeit legally) a real person, so now the real person is the Internet. A huge number of people use the Internet in order to extract private benefits. And even irreparable skeptics who do not believe in disinterestedness in real life, not 1-in, was just looking for a chance to get something valuable for themselves online. They get something, but also burned, though again looking for new options.

proposals to the global web a lot. Tell me who among us free no downloads interesting movie, favorite music or abstract? And how many now offer cash income, prizes and gifts. As a result, the visitors of various websites willing to use all the benefits available to them online free, almost at every step.

True that not only people looking for free cheese in a mousetrap , but the Internet itself induces to it. Anyone of Internet users are not familiar slogans: catch the loot , freebie here, etc.? All! It seems primitive, but it works! Almost every 2nd trying without any investment to earn $ 2 tees. or more per month. And if you do not go there , he's looking for 2nd place. It does not analyze the reasons for the failure and does not stop, and I am certain that he was not persistent enough.

And now think it possible in real life to receive fabulous freestuff earnings? Of course not. That is why it is foolish to assume that it is possible in the global web, it is better as far as possible avoid such offers and don't fall for "Scam".

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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