New Spider man

World of translation : Cinema
, 12:04

New Spider-Man

What about me - i dislike those people who, while watching movies in the cinema in every way try to comment it. There is a great desire to grab something heavy and...  But this time the situation is different. This time I am even grateful to these people. If it was not these hardworking commentators, I would have started to de mand my money back. The viewers were not given such horror in a beautiful wrapper for a long time. Next it will be a continuous grumbling.
Spider ManIn the early days of my youth, when cable TV only began to appear in the apartments, I found a great channel called "Fox Kids", which showed only cartoons. I think I'll skip that, what a culture shock it was for me at that time. Spider- Man was the first cartoon TV series, which I saw on that channel in 1994. I'm always remember this series: astronaut, son of James, flies to the moon and brought to Earth Venom. Exactly this series, I saw the first one. It was many times repeated.
This was my first meeting with one of the best, as it turned out, adaptation of this comic hero. In 2002 on cinema screens was released eponymous New Spidermanmovie that completely justified all my expectations. It shows that familiar story from the cartoon series. Everything seems to be going well, but a dozen years later it was decided to restart the series. Well, let's see.
I have never referred myself to the fans of comics in general and Spider- Man in particular. I just known the plot but I don't want to throw mud at the writers for, that they have gone far from the original. Even though it is an understatement. They just flew away to the other half of the planet and on the way lost a lot of, to which everybody are so accustomed. The main phrase of Uncle Ben: "The greater the force, the greater the responsibility", also was changed. Oh well, it's a completely new Spider man and I try to be objective and to get away from comparisons with the predecessor.
New Spider man Spider man himself is good at those moments when he is Spider- Man. Peter Parker in the film generally is poor. Picture lasts more than two hours. A good half of this time, the audience will be told about the times, when the main character was yet Peter Parker - the ordinary school photographer and the smartest guy in the class. I'll be honest, it was the most boring more than hour in this blockbuster, New Spider-Man, Peter Parker whose budget is more than $ 215 million, where should be continuous humor and action. But no, director Marc Webb is trying to make Christopher Nolan from himself,  immerse the audience in something like the atmosphere and force to think. It is likely that it would have succeeded, if not two huge minuses - the actors and the scenario.
New Spider-Man Andrew Garfield, Peter Parker, Emma Stone Actors are poor! There is such feeling, that they have  selected the cast members through an advertisement in newspaper. Andrew Garfield ( Peter Parker), Emma Stone ( Peter Parker's girlfriend), Rhys Evans (main bad uncle) - familiar names, with a good track record, but played somehow sluggishly. Mad scientist in a movie is boring. The smartest schoolgirl and concurrently the prettiest always walks in boots and her face shows less than two emotions. This good-looking guy in the role of a super hero... although when he's in a red mask - he is realy good. But he is not student. Andrew Garfield is almost 30 year old actor and he has long been forgotten how student should behave. New Spider-Man Rice Evans lizard I also have a suspicion that ​​dubbing made some corrections.
With the scenario, things are not better. Сonversations are killing already unhurried plot. In its turn, the conversations kill a very big pauses, in which should have been displayed some emotions, but because of actors playing - this did not happen. Let's at least remember "The Avengers". There all conversations ended with a witty joke, or stunning special effects, and pay no attention on all conversations. The Spider man creates just a couple jokes. These jokes are really funny. This are just wonderful jokes, but they are few. And here will come in handy those commentators.
New Spider-Man Rice Evans lizardHere is last half hour of the film, when Peter Parker becomes Spider man, the giant lizard goes to Oscorp and the viewer hopes that now everything will start, now it will be, now Manhattan would be broken into pieces. But in the end remains only the question "On what was spent $ 215 million?". Is that all? Well, that's not fair! Yes, what is happening at the end of the movie is quite watchable, but we waited quite different. It's not worth buying a ticket to the IMAX 3D cinema. This is an ordinary action. Good movies for a long time are not done in such a way. Ten years ago it would have been nice, but now are other times and manners.
If you are a fan of Spider man, and you don't like any change of the original, it's better for you to miss this film. If you've seen the previous three films, and you liked them, it is also better for you to miss it. Новый Человек-паук 2012If you do not know anything about the main character of this movie, you can go. But it is not necessary to spend money on IMAX 3D, because a week later the movie will be released in familiar format.
The only advantage of the whole picture is a first-person view. Flying over the city on a spider web looks cool! But you can see only one minute of such flights during the whole film.

Video: "New Spider man Trailer"

Author: World of translation
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  • avatar
    Lief - 11.12.2012, 01:05
    Film was so so...
  • avatar
    Liefum - 25.12.2012, 15:34
    Film is not so amazing as was first parts.