What are the decorative plaster

World of translation : Internet
, 13:39

is human nature to desire for self-improvement, which is aboutis not only in the organization of personal time, image (clothing, shoes, makeup, hairstyle, etc.), life, and improving the exterior and interior design of their own homes. Due to the high level of development of modern technologies, including in the field of construction technologies and materials. This makes it possible to decorate any roomwith a degree of uniqueness, which requires that comparable or design taste of man. The design of any room or the front side by means of finishing materials, of which at this stage of development of the industry there are so many. Along with traditional wallpaper for our man, in the design of the walls of rooms moreth class acquired popularity of plastic masses or simply decorating -. Unlike a simple plaster, which is used to form an even layer perfectly (surface), decorative plaster has a textured, three-dimensional shape. In view of the existence of a sufficiently wide number and types of plasters, it is necessary to their classificationation, for the convenience of further choices.

Class A decorative plaster on the following criteria:

  • Ingredients . In this regard, isolated on lime plaster, acrylic, silicone or silicate-based;
  • decorating effect . The shape of the final (finished) surface, isolated structural, textural, flokovye, marble, Venetian plaster.

When applying this plaster, you need enough to take responsibility for surface preparation and quality of work.

Author: World of translation
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