Types and forms of insurance


Types and forms of insurance

Translation of the article Types and forms of insurance

When establishing the types of insurance occurs specification of the insured person, insurance cover and the corresponding tariff rates.

Types of insurance - is an insurance of specific objects in a homogeneous amount of the insurance liability under the relevant tariff rates.

There are such types of property insurance: insurance of buildings, animals, household goods, vehicles, etc. Types of social insurance: old age pensions, disability pensions and survivor's pensions, etc. Private insurance: a mixed life insurance, child insurance, accident and others. Liability insurance: Insurance to repay the loan or other debt.
Types of business risks insurance linked to the presence of specific risk in the production or provision services that can be seen from the above variants of the given insurance.

Insurance can be carried out in the mandatory and voluntary forms. State represented the society establishes the compulsory insurance, that is bound to make the appropriate range of fixed insurance premiums insurers, when the need for compensation for material damage or other provision of financial assistance not only affects the interests of a particular victim, but also the public interest. Therefore, social insurance, buildings and some farm animals insurance, military and passengers insurance, and some other types of insurance are compulsory in Russian Federation.

The optimum combination of compulsory and voluntary insurance can create a system of insurance, which provides universal insurance coverage amount of social production.

