Mayor Mykola Romanyuk, "We must remember those who saved Volyn region ..."

Current expires 71st anniversary of the liberation of Volyn region from Nazi invaders. During the Second World War, many Ukrainian died at the front, were seriously injured or missing, tortured in concentration camps, deported to forced roboyou. Honor the memory of all those who suffered during the war and veterans who are alive and fought victory at the memorial complex "Eternal Glory" gathered Head of Volyn Regional State Administration Volodymyr Hunchyk and regional council Valentin Wind Lutsk Mayor Mykola Romanyuk and City Council Secretary Sergei Grigorenko veterans, representatives of pidpryyemstv, institutions caring Luciana. Kyivan Patriarchate priests celebrated a memorial service in memory of the victims of World War II. Then present laid flowers at the memorial "Wounded Soldier". Mayor Mykola Romanyuk said: "It is extremely unfortunate that every year veterans getting smaller. Takes its time, and they go in everst. We must remember those who saved Volyn region, those already there with us. We try to pay maximum attention to veterans improve their lives. In previous years tried to solve the issue of housing, provided social support, treatment and just communicate with them. We attract veterans to educational activitiesin schools our children from direct eyewitnesses had the opportunity to learn about that terrible war, and as our people get the victory. You must honor living veterans. " On the occasion of this event in the city library facilities will be exhibitions of historic and artistic works dedicated to the liberation of the region. Reported atLutsk city council
