In the third held an international investment forum "Vinnitsa region - the center of business in Ukraine" (+ photos)

in the region started preparation for already the third international investment forum "Vinnitsa region - the center of business in Ukraine." It was determined that the said international meeting will be held on the eve of the celebration of the Day of Vinnitsa - 4 September. WestOrganized by the State Administration and Regional Council for the third year in a row is a place for discussion of regional business leaders as well as from other areas of the state, international investors and partners. The main goal of the International Investment Forum is to develop regional and international cooperation, presentation of investment potentialALU Vinnytsia, search business and private contacts and exchange of experience, investment and development of new technologies. July 21 chaired by First Deputy Head Andriy Gyzhko, the first meeting of the group will deal with the preparation and organization of the International Investment Forum. "First of all it is of imageevent for our region, which is aimed at to show the results that have been achieved in Vinnytsia region and demonstrate the great potential that has our region. We understand that during the forum unlikely signed cooperation agreements, but during these events to generate contacts for attracting investments. Forum changesYue format and will be held by European standards. First of all, it's a big debate that will be divided into blocks of industry, in which ideas show the investment experts, which act as entrepreneurs with successful businesses in the area. Reliable Vinnichchina partner or not tell coordinators of international projectsimplemented in the region "- said Andrew Gyzhko. Also, the forum participants and foreigners from other parts introduced to the business conditions in Vinnytsia region, in particular they visit the local operating company. In addition, the invitation to an international meeting with vinnichane will celebrate the Day of Vinnitsa. About thisreported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
