Chernigov: Study visit to Poland
representatives of Chernihiv - social activists Irina Babchuk and Anna Nikolenko-Baev and Deputy Chief financial management of city council Elena Lysenko and Advisor to the Mayor Irina Synelnyk - visited Poland as part of exploring best practices implementation partycypatornoho budget (communitiesment, or budget participation). Participants of the trip visited the four Polish cities - Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot and Torun, where they met with government officials and the public familiar with the features of the information campaign budget participation, organization of voting for the draft, and the actual implementation of the proposals submitted by residents of the city. Indeedpartycypatornyy budget provides for increased public participation in shaping the city budget, some of the funds directed for projects proposed by residents and supported by a public vote. According to Vice-Mayor of Sopot Marcin Skvyerovskoho, public budget is an effective tool for revitalization of society,It is therefore important element in building civil society and holding budget debate. Sopot in Poland attracted first citizens to participate in shaping the public budget. "We were convinced that it was a very good idea. I think that in two years all Polish cities have public budget", - he said. As the O.Lysenko, this year Czernyhovi also held a design competition parcypatornoho budget to implement them in 2016. According to her, the visit to Poland was useful from a practical point of view, although some questions still need consultations. For example, voting in Poland as possible personification of the citizen via the Internet through individual personal CategoriesOmer. In Ukraine, for local governments while it is complicated by the lack of access to relevant databases. "We will take into account the Polish experience, though, and will have its own work, given our capacity," - said O.Lysenko. She added that the working group on implementation of the budget ends partycypatornoho development coincidencesovidnoho position. During the month, the document will be submitted for approval by the Executive Committee of the City Council and the deputies Chernihiv City Council. Study visit lasted 13-17 July in the framework of the "participatory budget - increasing opportunities for public activity and establish a true partnership with the authorities" that realizuyetsya Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation PAUCI in Chernihiv, Cherkasy and Poltava. Reference: Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation PAUCI was established in 2005. It is the successor of the Polish-American-Ukrainian Cooperation Initiative, which directed its activities on the transfer of Ukraine successful experience of Poland in the transitionin a market economy and development of democratic civil society. At the foundation mission is to develop the ability to integrate Ukraine into European and Euro-Atlantic structures by introducing European, including Polish experience in Ukraine. Irina SynelnykSource: