Ivano-Frankivsk region, "City professionals" in Galicia

July 19 became an unforgettable day for Galician children: in the center of the city on Independence Christmas events held in the framework of the social project « City jobs & raquo ;. The advantages of the professional activity advertised rescuers, divers, military, police, hairdressers, doctors. Experts gaveAli children appropriate task for the proper performance of which those receiving paper « money & raquo ;. &Laquo; Salary » could then be exchanged for candy and prizes. The task of the rescue – properly submit water from fire logs – successfully completed many children. They were liking the story of Fire and Rescue sluzhby of their difficult daily routine. Its equipment and gear and divers also demonstrated Galician diving and rescue station.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/