The consequences of the earthquake in the Carpathian region
July 20 to Tiachiv RGA received information that in the villages and Dobriansky rounded Tyachiv district because of aftershocks occurring minor damage to buildings. Thus, in the village. Rounded suffered damage (cracks in the plaster on the walls, ceiling and plaster collapse) buildings 1 and 2 local secondary school withtupeniv, which respectively are at school and Shevchenko streets. In the village. Dobriansky in an old building local secondary school had metal-plastic frame windows are cracks in plaster walls and ceilings, shifted canopy at the main entrance to the body. Suffered minor injuries and a house that is on the street. Komsomoland in the village. Dobriansky, where the plaster of ’ cracks appeared. On the morning of July 20 a meeting of Commission on technological-ecological safety and emergency situations Tiachiv RSA. Currently in Tyachiv district a special commission, which carries out the survey about ’ objects of different ownership and residential buildings to detect damage. As previously reported, parodovzh 19-20 July in the region, at a distance of about 120 kilometers from the city. Uzhgorod, namely in the vicinity. Tyachev, recorded six episodes of tremors. So, at 13:57 recorded earthquake force 1,7baliv, at 14:31 -3.4 points at 15:24 and 15:32 - pushing power to 2 on the Richter scale. Already on the night of July 20 wasrecorded two more aftershocks force of 2 and 2.4 on the Richter scale. Their power was felt in the city. Tiachiv and towns Ternovo, Neresnytsia, curves and Dobriansky Tyachiv district. Management DSNS Ukraine in the Transcarpathian regionSource: