In Chernivtsi region rescuers improved action to eliminate conventional fire at the Dniester Pumped Storage Power

July 17 in Novodnistrovsk employees of the DSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region and the leadership of the Dniester pumped-storage power of organized tactical and special exercises to terytoriyi station. Additionally, took part in the exercise and by representatives of the DSNS Ukraine in Vinnytsia region, which, according interregional plan to attract capabilities can be sent to the station in case of fire or other emergencies. The purpose of these exercises was to conduct combined fire and rescue Mr.idrozdiliv with another station personnel to extinguish the conditional fire. The training was divided into two phases: In the first of them, the exercise participants were shown the most dangerous parts of plants. Those present spoke in detail about the work at each site Dniester pumped-storage power plants and the importance which thus takes dotrymation safety. During the practical part of the training worked out action to eliminate conventional fire in the engine room. Thus, according to the exercise, due to a technical fault arose leakage of oil from the oil tank and started its combustion in the engine room. The next station staff immediately reported the fire rescuers. Within xVilino arrived on the scene, firefighters of the State Fire and Rescue Novodnistrovsk city office and professional fire post number 2 Dniester pumped-storage power plant. In addition to the scene were sent to fire and rescue units city Chernivtsi, Sokyriany, town. Kelmentsi. Rescuers in conjunction with plant personnel had evakuation of workers to safety. To make sure that all people are safe, their number was checked, during which it was found that one of the plant workers missing. Firefighters using respiratory protection devices, fire stations held within exploration, during which her husband found. Rescuers brought the man onstreet and gave the victim first aid domedychnu. After that, the victim gave doctors who admitted him to the hospital Novodnistrovsk city. Meanwhile, rescue workers carried out work to eliminate conventional fire. To coordinate all training participants was set up operational headquarters. Together conventional fire was likvidovana. Under the terms of exercise general area of ??the fire was 200 square meters .. After practical vidpratsyuvan summed up conducted exercises. For the tactical special exercises engaged six vehicles and 39 personnel, including 5 vehicles and 29 personnel of the Office of DSNS. From PG DSNS Ukraine in Winnieversities region to exercise involved 10 people personnel. With this task coped exercise participants. &Laquo; DSNS Office in Chernivtsi region constantly varied training or other activities to improve preparedness for response fire and rescue units. Summing up exercises at the Dniester hidroakumulyuyuchiy power, we can say that the Office of rescuers prepared to eliminate a variety of incidents and situations of varying difficulty » &Ndash; Deputy Chief of DSNS Lieutenant Colonel Sergei civil protection Shmyhol. Press service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
