Rescuers warned: Be extremely careful in the water

Outside summer. More and more want to leave the apartment and go on nature, mostly to the forest or river. Therefore, the time to talk about water, but rather about the rules of behavior of people on the water, to bring holiday joy. Everyone knows that water – miracle cure rehabilitation atrhanizmu. Swimming gives man physical and moral satisfaction, helps get rid of stress. Unfortunately, for some rest near the water ends in tragedy. quot; Arial Avoiding tragedies on the water. Worth city ’ favorites that basic conditions Security is the right choice of places and facilities for swimming; Adult and children swimming, scrollD compliance with the rules of conduct while swimming and riding the boats, constant monitoring of children in the water by adults. Vacation on the water is allowed only in designated local authorities and equipped for this field. Safer rest on water in the light of the day. Bathe allowed in a calm windless weatherat a temperature of at least 18 air not below 24. Do not meddle in the water in an unfamiliar place for you, avoid fast current of water, do not go into the water drunk, never swim alone, especially if you are not confident in their abilities; swimming on “ wild beach ” or in an unfamiliar place – not dive from the shore, hills, trees; in atode should enter slowly, carefully trying the bottom leg; swim better where there is a rescue service; especially watch out for children, their behavior is not predictable in water; trunks need to attach the pin when away from the shore will bring cramp arm or leg, pin prick help restore the elasticity of ’ muscles; refrain from distant swims: hypothermia – the main cause of tragic cases. In lowland rivers are many pits and whirlpools. They are insidious sand near Kos at the shore, especially where children enjoy a swim. Features while swimming in mountain rivers. The mountain river with rapid flow, which can knock down. The bottom and banks of river stone ’ yanysti, tWMD can be seriously injured in the fall. You can fall pidslyznuvshys on wet and slippery rocks, whenever entering the water. At sea must always reckon with waves that can turn a person when entering the water. Do not try to swim against the waves. It is necessary to be careful at the beak. Do not dive with them, because you can fall – they are mucuski from algae. Do not swim for the buoys! Big trouble can turn diving in shallow water or in unfamiliar places. In such cases, possible injury of the cervical spine with spinal cord injury. If the boat capsized, it is not confused. Even when turned over, he was still held some time in the water, therefore, must be preservedpeace, and the arrival of rescuers hold on to the boat, pushing it to the shore. Anyone who knows how to swim well, first of all should help those who do not know how to maintain it afloat. To save a drowning man must first, and then the other, at the same time help a few people swimming impossible. When driving children requires the presence Doroslogo in each boat. He must be able to manage the boat to swim well and know the techniques first aid to victims in the water. The main cause of death in the water is fear. In most cases, drown people who swim, and samovpenenistyu swim away from the shore. There, they can get into the flow of cold water. Then pochynaye erect legs and grabs snag. In this situation, the main thing – do not be scared. We must dive into the water and drag much hand over foot by thumb. Be very careful during water recreation, so it was for you and your children safe at all times strictly follow the advice of lifeguards!
