In Vinnitsa region two churches became the property of local religious communities (+ photos)
July 17 in ceremonial signing of the transfer of two temple buildings of state owned property of religious communities. Thus, within Vinnichchine honor the memory of Prince Vladimir of Kiev - the creator of medieval European state Rusand Ukraine, in accordance with the instructions of the Head "To return the premises" of June 30, 2015 375 and on July 9, 2015 396 churches of St. Archangel Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church that s.Novofastiv Pogrebysche district and the Holy Apostle St. John the Divine right of UkrainianOrthodox Church with. Gavrishovka Vinnytsia district returned to the ownership of the local religious communities. On the occasion of this event to the temple that s. Gavrishovka visiting Head of Regional State Administration Valeriy cows and Metropolitan Simeon of Vinnytsia and Bar. Addressing the faithful, the Lord said that now, with the assistance of the regional government religious disputedi, which at one time were taken to the Church and communities returning to their property. "We came to the house, to accomplish the historical mission of the fair. There were difficult years, when churches were destroyed and cleaned. But, as is said in the Gospel, was a time to cast away stones, and it's time to collect "- the Metropolitan Simeon. In turn, the headState Administration Valeriy Cow noted that the partnership between the state and church - an objective model of modernity. It is this concept of regional administration building relationships with religious communities. "At such a difficult time for the country association community is very important because in the church than anywhere else feel this combination duhovnosthose of statehood and patriotism. As President of RSA, I understand that maybe this formal step, but it has a very important symbolic value, because it is a reproduction of justice, which was lost in 1927 when climbed all places of worship in the so-called state ownership. In the context of general search of social compromise,public peace, which is very needed in our country, we will continue this work. The return of church property is a fundamental responsibility of the state, the key to the preservation of peace in the religious environment "- said Valery cow. Then directly in the temple was made official procedure of signing the agreement transferring the property and fixing it inidpovidnymy seals. Parishioners of churches convinced that the church became the property of the community, not only as proof of Divine Providence and his love. In both churches for more than 150 years is performed Liturgy, namoleni walls and sincere faith parishioners have contributed to the process of religious revival of Ukraine. By the way, only for 2015 have already returned26 communities in ownership temple buildings that were nationalized by the Soviet authorities. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: