Khmelnytsky, director of the Christian mission "New Hope" gave Teofipolskiy CRH latest reanimobile
Head State Administration Yuriy Majewski visited Teofipolskiy CRH, where a solemn meeting with Director of the Christian mission "New Hope" Sivchukom Elijah, who came to America from Teofipolschynu with Philadelphia Securitiesth present for medical institutions - the latest reanimation. Along with him were present Rostislav father and father Joseph, as well as students from Florida Bible College. Addressing the audience, Ilya G. said that it henytychnyy relationship with Ukraine, including a remarkable edge Teofipolskym prompted him selflessly helping people. "Judgethe man in the wake of it, in that it leaves behind - this is the principle professed members of our public charitable organization "-naholosyv it. Also called to pray and bless all those who put their money in the charity business. With the words of sincere gratitude to the guest turned the head of district administration Yuri Majewski, Headand District Council Viktor Lebedinsky, chief doctor Sergei Shkraba Teofipolskoyi CRH. Elijah was served sweet Sivchuku Ukrainian loaf, district literacy and gratitude and gifts. By the way also was invited to the church fathers Evangelical Christians Joseph and Rostislav, who blessed reanimobile donated to good causes. Blahochynnyy Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate, Father Basil Krysak held a dedication reanimobile. During the meeting, those present heard for musical numbers performed by members of amateur culture district Budyko and guests of Ternopil - group "evangelist." Reported atSource: