In Chernihiv region rescue competition held " Best Head guard "

July 17 in Chernihiv on the regional Office DSNS Ukraine hosted the regional stage of the annual All-Ukrainian competition "The best head guard." The aim of this competition in which 29 winners competed initially, is to improve the professional maysternosones and the role and authority of the guard chiefs of state fire and rescue units, the introduction of best practices in the guard training personnel and ensuring proper maintenance techniques for tasks. The program included theoretical tests of competitive tests and performance standards of physical and special training. As a result, won prizes guard chiefs of Chernihiv State Fire and Rescue parts 1 Alexander Kovalenko, Pryluky State Fire and Rescue 18 of Eugene Zadorozhnii and Chernihiv Fire and Rescue of rescue squad Specialty Dmitry Murach. They will presentbut ratification Office DSNS and medals. In DSNS in Chernihiv region
