Residents offset Vinnitsa region of interest rates of loans for the purchase of energy-efficient boilers and insulation of homes

Regional State Administration initiated to send one million hryvnias to compensate Vinnytsya residents of the interest rates of loans for the purchase of electric or solid fuel boilers and insulation of homes. Supportedthe proposal Deputies Regional Council and at the extraordinary session approved a program for improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption. According to Director of Finance State Administration Mykola Kopachevsky, a document provided from the regional budget to repay the 15% interest rate on the loan to people who are credthou banks for the purchase of energy-efficient boilers and insulation of buildings. Can use the private sector as residents of towns and villages and condominiums. "The course of the relevant program and took parts of the region. In particular, the district budget provides for repayment of 10%, and the bank gives mostly under 25%. Thus, vinnichane will return only tIlo credit. After adjusting the main financial document of Vinnitsa region in 2015, will start the procedure for amendments to the regional budgets "- Mykola Kopachevsky. In addition, over-the regional budget in the first half of 2015 made it possible to increase lending costs and general and special funds budget of spelnoho Fund Department Housing, energy and infrastructures Regional State Administration totaling 9869.240 tys.hryven. In particular the program on energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption in Vinnytsia oblast for 2010-2015 - 2500.000 thousand. "Also, with the amount of one milyon Oblavtodor allocated for maintenance of roads. Part of these funds will become mechanical sand and salt, as well as fuel for appropriate technology in osino and winter. Then winter for public utilities will not come unexpectedly "- Mykola Kopachevsky. Furthermore, 620.000 thousand. UAH allocated to reconstruction of teplozabezpechennya administrative building with the installation of individual heating unit Vinnitsa street Porika. On the technical upgrading boiler CE "Vinnytsyaoblteploenerho" in the regional center of installing the boiler on alternative fuel allocated 2249.240 thousand. Also 2500.000 thousand provided to provide repayable financial assistance to Societyotivlyu alternative solid fuel boilers that provide heat energy budget institutions that are the common property of territorial communities of the region. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
