In Vinnitsa region, small farmers reimburse the expense of the regional budget cost of milking machines and milk cooling chambers
support milk producers in Vinnytsia Oblast authorities decided hryvnia. Thus, at the extraordinary session of the Regional Council of Deputies made changes to the "Program of subsistence farmers and hospodarsTV ", thus predicted 2 million for partial compensation of interest rates and the loan for the purchase of milking equipment and refrigeration units for those with 5 or more cows. "The essence of financial support for small farmers in that region encourages milk producers to machine milking, which is essential Retrievethou dairy products of good quality. And the acquisition of refrigeration facilities. If these two conditions, milk from farms goes from bezsortovoho to the product of the highest quality, and which will cost more "- said the Director of Finance State Administration Mykola Kopachevsky. Funds for this purpose was able to extract 35 milyoniv hryvnia, which accumulated through over-the regional budget in the first half of 2015. Incidentally, the total amount of 500,000 thousand allocated KU "Regional Fund for Investment and Construction" for production of construction documents on water bodies that are jointly owned by local communities Vinnichchinas. Almost as determined for regulatory monetary value of land, demarcation of state and municipal property, land inventory in the region. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: