"A component of health systems Vinnitsa region aimed at improving medical care to patients with cardiovascular pathology" (+ photos)
Under this title, 15 July, in the premises of the branch of Vinnytsia Regional Universal Scientific Library. KA Timiryazev meeting of the "round table" on implementation of joint actionsWorld Bank investment sub-project, which aims to reduce mortality patients Vinnytsia region from cardiovascular disease. Participating in the meeting were Director of the Department of Health and resorts RSA Tetiana Babiy, Deputy Director of Health Vinnytsia city council Hope Marusyak Head. Departmentpropaedeutics internal medicine Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov Yury Mostovoi, as well as doctors and specialists of city and regional medical institutions. The organizers of this sub-project are: the Department of Health and spas Administration, Department of Information and CommunicationS Administration, Department of Health Vinnytsya City Council, the Department of Capital Construction Vinnytsia City Council with the active participation, assistance and cooperation of the Vinnitsa National Medical University. Opening the meeting Tatiana Babiy informed the audience about the epidemiological situation in the course HEARTo disease. In addition, she noted that positive is that in the two orders issued by the Head of which one from May 27, 2015 328 "On establishment of the Group management sub-project of the World Bank's" Improving health in the service of the people " . Head of the project establishing a firstFirst Deputy Head Andriy Gyzhko. A prerequisite for the project was the conclusion of a loan agreement between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on 19 March 2015. According to Tatyana Babiy, order sub-project, the work on the implementation of which began in 2013, is to reduce mortality caused by acute conditions in AugustZeboim cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and coronary disease) by improving the efficiency of secondary medical aid: "The basis of this election were sub serious problems with the provision of medical care to patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system - particularly coronary heart disease (CHD) and myocardial infarction population Vinnichiny ". According to her, in the overall incidence of cardiovascular diseases is 6231.0 per 10 thousand population, Ukraine - 5839.0. Index by region 6.3% more than in Ukraine. Every year in the field of coronary heart disease kills more than 15 thousand. Patients with coronary heart disease and 230 - 250 patients with myocardial infarction. Foreach year recorded 18.1 -17.1 thousand. patients with acute coronary syndrome in patients 2,0 2,5 thousand effectiveness of drug therapy is ineffective, there are recurrent heart attacks causing deaths of 650 -700 people. One reason for the high mortality rates and poor quality of care is the presence in one of theakladu with limited resources to provide care to patients with cardiovascular diseases - multi Hospital. winery, which is available only angiographic installation and limited human resources. Proposed Sub Vinnichchine will create conditions to reduce mortality, reduce patient length of stay in bed tand early rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular pathology through the introduction of new treatments. As Tetiana Babiy, the project is planned to introduce at the expense of the World Bank loan in the amount of 32.85 million. Dollars. USA and co-financing from the budget in the amount of 3.75 million. Dollars. USA. For introductionMinistry of Health of Ukraine signed a sub-subsidiary agreement between Vinnytsia regional state administration, Vinnytsia City Council (contract number 19 from 13.05.2015r.). Customer construction of the Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Diagnostic Center of clinical cardiovascular disease is the capital construction department of Vinnytsia City Council. In realizatsiyi sub participating centers of primary health care, central district hospitals, hospital intensive care, hospital treatment planned, urban hospitals, regional information-analytical center of medical statistics. Current control the implementation of sub-projects will carry out the Department of Health and Wynn Resortstskoyi Administration, Management Sub-Group (established order of Vinnytsia Regional State Administration 328 from 27.05.2015r.). One of the priorities is the need to strengthen sub-flow management of patients with acute cardiovascular disease by optimizing current route patient enforce local Kleenechnyh protocols and forming an electronic registry of patients with cardiovascular diseases. "The next step - to strengthen the quality of secondary care and treatment effectiveness by concentrating technologies and improving the skills of medical staff. Within the sub-regional 01.07.2014 Center was established cardiovascular disease by Dr.restructuring expense of existing cardiology department of city clinical hospital 1 m. Vinnytsya. It is planned to construct a new building of the regional Center of cardiovascular disease, provide its facilities for certain types of research and treatment center to provide the appropriate consumables "- noted the director DepartameNTU health resorts and RSA. Yes, she said that to achieve these objectives will be implemented sub-process control and monitoring results, which includes the development of criteria for assessing the quality of treatment. In addition, a separate sub-component is information and education programs for medical staffpatients. Ensuring this process provides logistical support health center, training centers, Information and Analytical Center for Health Statistics. "Therefore, joint efforts of all sub-components ensure its successful implementation and lead eventually to reduce mortality caused by acute heart conditionEvo disease (heart attacks and coronary disease) and approach and highly quality health services to all segments of the population "- said Tatiana Babiy. During the meeting attended by Vladimir Fedyk heard the report on sub-project goals and objectives, and report prof. Yuri Mostovoy on modern approaches to lanewine and secondary prevention of lesions of the cardiovascular system. After the discussion and debriefing participants "round table" adopted a resolution. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/