In the Transcarpathian region was a large-scale protest march the streets of Mukachevo
July 4, 2015 in Mukachevo held in the province's largest public " march for social justice & quot ;. Transcarpathia column marched through the streets of the city during cries: " Ukrainian - Ukrainian gas! &Quot; &Quot; According to the social and national justice! & Quot ;, " CTOh, do not we?! & quot ;, " owned Ukrainian Transcarpathia! " The event traditionally nationalists began to implement the National Anthem of Ukraine. After the glorification among word was head of the Transcarpathian regional organization of the All-Ukrainian Association " Freedom " Eduard Leonov and head of People's Movement of Ukraine Transcarpathia Ivan Gabor.Demonstration near the City Hall took place under the slogan: " Who, if not we? & Quot ;, " Arseny Petrovich - Yanukovych second & quot ;, " Ukrainian - Ukrainian gas! & Quot ;. &Quot; Since we are trying to do the poor, forcing her knees to crawl for information that can make life easier for Ukrainian droplets. People are trying to make the limitpoverty. None of the European countries the prime minister did not allow himself vyslovytysya that half his country can issue subsidy as impoverished resident. It is obvious that the authorities had forgotten for whom it sluzht and officially confirms the fact that more than half of Ukrainian begging. People want to own, we can pay the normal price for our unh gas. In fact, everything is easier, but the government is trying to deceive us. Arrogance has reached a level at which we have stolen from you means trying to deceive us. The slogan " people fighting - oligarchs zhiruyut " more than ever relevant. We express strong protest against the tariff genocide " - Said svobodivets Eduard Leonov. After manifestu in the center of Mukachevo activists marched to the Palace Kovnera. The architectural monument transferred to private ownership is in disrepair. Svobodovtsev with fellow prepare appeals and lobbying for return of the palace property in the community. In the walls of the restored palace plans to open youth development center. West zavershyvsya the square TG Shevchenko near the monument to Shevchenko. Where the anthem Ukraine activists protest completed. This was reported in the press service of Transcarpathian regional organization VO " Freedom "Source: