Rescuers warned: the period of high fire risk be careful with fire!
In the period of high fire risk should be particularly careful with open fire while relaxing in the forests and farming in open areas. Therefore, in order to prevent fires in the towns land, forests, outdoorsoohoronnyh about ’ yektah, agricultural lands, preventing death or a disaster man-made and natural disasters management DSNS Ukraine in the Volyn region Volyn urges all to be careful with fire and observe fire safety rules. In order to prevent the irreversible consequences of fires must be observedysya elementary rules of behavior of fire in nature: - Do not spread fire in the forest; - Not to call in the territory of forest (except transit routes) vehicles, except those used for forestry purposes; - Not to visit the pine plantations at the 5th class of fire danger (extreme risk); - Candidateatehorychno non-smoking, throw outstanding matches, cigarette butts in forests, forest edges, on the side of roads etc. - Do not use hunting wads made of combustible or can smolder and other materials; - Burn dry vegetation remains. Small fire alone try to eliminate at hand. Fire blissyno disclose Fire and Rescue Service by calling « 101 & raquo ;. UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn regionSource: