Management DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region warned!
Dear citizens! In connection with the national tradition of celebrating the night of 6 to 7 July day Midsummer related to the mass of people vacation near water, DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region drew attention to the growing threat of an increase in accidents on the water. Statistics bezzhalisno noted numerous cases of deaths waters. Since the beginning of 2015 on water area killed 15 people including 1 child. Knowledge of and compliance with the rules of behavior on the water — guarantee the safety of your life and your children. It is necessary to pay special attention to outreach with children at home, in child health institutions. Schodof remind children about the dangers of water, do not let young children play, swim or fish themselves. Know: children's pranks, inability to swim can lead to disaster. It should be remembered that the basic safety conditions are: the right choice and arrangement of seats bathing; adult and children swimming; strict adherence to the rules of conduct duringswimming and riding on boats; constant monitoring of children in the water by adults. Dear citizens, parents and guests! Follow the basic rules of behavior on the water accustom to it that children should know and make these rules and you will be secured from emergencies. Appreciate and take care of your life!Source: